Thanks-giving in the Age of Covid-19

Sarah Food for Thought, Slider Leave a Comment

Many are now familiar with the heartwarming moment, last week, when Governor Cuomo described how he drew strength from the goodness of folks who offered support and encouragement, during the pandemic.   He read a simple—but moving—letter from a Kansas farmer, as an illustrative example.  The elderly farmer, from the northeast part of the state sent a note of support commending …

Chronic Pain meets the Pandemic: Meet Nora Pierson

Sarah Body & Soul, Slider 11 Comments

When I conceived of this section of my new website, I felt it was important to feature the good works of “celebrities,” for lack of a better word, but also to write about the experiences, both triumphant and challenging, of people with whom I have a relationship. And, so…drumroll, please, I introduce you to my friend Nora Pierson. She’s a …

Melba Wilson: Superstar

Sarah Slider, Superstars Leave a Comment

I came up with the idea for the Single Girl and the City blog late last year.  I wanted a kicky little site where I could write about topics that didn’t necessarily relate to my work as a Celebrant.  As a single gal of a “certain age,” I envisioned cheerful posts about interesting places and activities in our wonderful city.  …

The Little Gifts of “Sheltering in Place”

Sarah Food for Thought, Slider Leave a Comment

I’ve been surprised that despite my resistance, there have been some little points of light to our “Shelter in Place” order here in New York.  I’m not ready to take the Gwyneth Paltrow line about how social isolation is a good time to learn a new language or skill, like knitting.  However, I have been pleased about some good things …

A Shadow of my Former Self

Sarah Body & Soul, Food for Thought, Slider Leave a Comment

I’ve been having a challenging time sorting out my soup of emotions experienced during this pandemic. Sitting squarely in America’s epicenter, New York City, the empty streets in my FiDi neighborhood are punctuated by the ambulances racing towards New York Presbyterian hospital’s “Trinity” outpost. My news-addiction, stoked by the earlier impeachment proceedings, is full blown as MSNBC plays day and …

Why I Make Waffles…During the Pandemic

Sarah Food for Thought, Slider Leave a Comment

One of the reasons I became a Celebrant is because my family of origin didn’t spend much time marking occasions, happy or sad. I’ve mentioned many times that we struggled with illness and my own father’s departure when we were wee tots. So, there were practical and emotional reasons that not much was made of the holidays. My grandmother did …

The Global Pandemic: Looking to the Ancestors for Inspiration

Sarah Body & Soul, Slider 4 Comments

One thing that I appreciate about certain traditions, like those of the Native American Indians, is how they look to the ancestors for strength and guidance during life’s difficult circumstances. As they say, we all stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. I’ve been drawn to this idea as we face the historic Covid-19 pandemic. I was …

Manic Crafting: Pandemic Edition

Sarah Body & Soul, Slider Leave a Comment

Although I’ve never considered myself a New Yorker, I must admit that this Coronavirus outbreak has made me re-think my status. In a time like no other, my physical well-being is inextricably tied to the millions of people with whom I share the island of Manhattan. Although I’ve lived through a couple of major adisruptions—the attacks of September 11 and the …